For consecutive year Fund FLAG participates at largest municipal event – XIII Annual Meeting of the Local Authorities, organized by National Association of the Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria, held from 1st to 3rd of October in Albena resort.
On a Specialized exhibition at an information stand, activity of Sustainable cities fund was presented for regions of Sofia and Southern Bulgaria, established between FLAG, Fund for Sustainable Urban Development, United Bulgarian Bank and Bulgarian Consultancy organization. During the event Sustainable cities fund’s team had a consultations and provided information to a potential project initiators, eligible for funding from Fund for urban development. The greatest interest was focused on opportunities for combined projects funding, improving cultural infrastructure.
Representatives of Sustainable cities fund – Mrs. Nadya Dankinova (Executive director of Fund for Sustainable Urban Development and Fund FLAG), Mr. Stoyan Stavrev (Manager of Bulgarian Consultancy organization), Mr. Frank Jansen (member of the Management Board and Executive director of Corporate banking and Micro, small and medium-size enterprises at United Bulgarian Bank) were involved at the second panel of the Forum, titled “Economic activity in the municipalities – investments and prospects for business development”. They presented the possibilities for sustainable urban projects funding with financial instrument “Fund for urban development” on OP “Regions in growth” 2014-2020.
During the official opening of the Municipal EXPO 2018 as a symbol of a good work partnership between municipalities and Fund FLAG, municipality Suvorovo was awarded with a badge of honor of the Fund for signing contract No 1000. In her greetings to the Forum’s participants Mrs. Nadya Dankinova shared that FLAG is one of the most successful partnership projects between Bulgarian state and local authorities.