Fund FLAG and its subsidiary Fund for Sustainable Urban Development (FSUD) have become members of the Green Finance & Energy Centre. The centre has established itself as a think-tank on sustainable finance and energy in order to drive public debate on the subjects and discuss issues that lead to concrete solutions.
The centre's creation was initiated by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) along with the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Energy, the Financial Supervision Commission and the Fund of Funds, as well as the participation of stakeholder representatives on the following topics: business, NGOs and branch organizations, academia and global consultancy companies.
Fund FLAG's and FSUD's involvement in the Green Finance & Energy Centre will further position the Fund in the green project finance sector for public authorities. This is important in view of the approved project funded by the European Commission's LIFE programme, which is expected to be available to public authorities in 2023 for the purposes of structuring green projects.
Currently, the centre's participants include representatives from a variety of sectors related to green finance - EBRD, BDB, UBB, Postbank, ING Bank, the Fund of Funds, PWC, Ernst & Young, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Buildings Performance Institute Europe (BPIE), MOVE.BG, Denkstatt, Municipality of Stara Zagora, etc.
Find out more about the Green Finance & Energy Centre here